1. Definitions

The Terms of Use of the Services provided through this Site located at prigipas.com (henceforth ‘Website’) from the copmany Konstantinos Karapasias p.c. (henceforth ‘Company‘) with VAT No EL045624115

As legal use of the provided services is considered the unconditional acceptance of the terms of use of these clauses and your compliance to the Greek laws that govern the transactions resulting from the services provided. Acceptance of the terms herein in no way constitutes the conclusion of any form or relationship of work, cooperation or partnership with the Company.

The Company does not guarantee at this time the continuous, uninterrupted and secure access to the services of the Website as its operation is likely to be influenced by external factors that cannot be controlled.

2. Privacy

THE Privacy Policy describes to us the way in which the Company manages the data of the users of its services. As described in the Privacy Policy, the collection and further processing of this data is necessary, both in the context of the use of the services provided by the Company, and for other legal purposes that are analyzed in our Privacy Policy.

The management and protection of the personal data of the visitor, the user and the members of the Website is governed by the present terms, our Privacy Policy, as well as the relevant provisions of Greek and European legislation. In any case, the Company reserves the right to change the terms of protection of personal data, within the framework of current legislation.

Η Ιστοσελίδα δεν διαγράφει τα προσωπικά δεδομένα μελών εκτός αν το ίδιο το μέλος το επιθυμεί και υπό τον όρο τήρησης της αρχής περί ασφάλειας των συναλλαγών, προς διασφάλιση της αξιοπιστίας του συστήματος. Τα μέλη τα οποία επιθυμούν να ενημερωθούν για τα προσωπικά τους δεδομένα που διατηρεί η Ιστοσελίδα, για την οριστική διαγραφή τους από την βάση δεδομένων της Ιστοσελίδας, ή για να ασκήσουν οποιοδήποτε από τα δικαιώματά τους που προβλέπονται από τη νομοθεσία, σύμφωνα και με την  Πολιτική Απορρήτου μας, θα πρέπει να υποβάλουν σχετικό αίτημα στέλνοντας ηλεκτρονικό μήνυμα στην διεύθυνση info@prigipas.com μέσω του email με το οποίο έχουν εγγραφεί στην Ιστοσελίδα, στο οποίο να περιλαμβάνουν το πλήρες ονοματεπώνυμό τους και τον αριθμό τηλεφώνου τους, τα οποία θα πρέπει να συμφωνούν με τα στοιχεία που είναι εγγεγραμμένα στην βάση δεδομένων της Ιστοσελίδας, για σκοπούς ταυτοποίησης.

3. Access to the Website and registration of members

A condition for the participation of the users and the registered members of the Website and the use of the services of the Company, is the acceptance of these terms of use, which have been defined in accordance with the current Greek legislation. In case of violation of any of these terms, the Company reserves the right to block users or delete members of the Website at any time.

The information provided by the users to the Company either during the registration of the members or during the purchase of products as visitors of the Website is defined as personal data and information . Personal data and information must meet the following conditions:

  • It must not be false, inaccurate or misleading.
  • They must not directly or indirectly lead to the deception of third parties or to the sale of items the disposal of which is contrary to applicable law.
  • They must not contravene the provisions of current Greek and European legislation, including those relating to exports, consumer protection, unfair competition, discrimination or misleading advertising, protection of intellectual or industrial property, trade secrets or personal rights.
  • They should not contain viruses, trojans, worms, time bombs or cancel bots or any other program code that could intentionally damage or cause data loss to both member / visitor computers and the system in general, nor should they lead to loss of resources or services or functions of the Website or the Company in part or in whole related to our connection providers or other affiliates.
  • They must not refer directly or indirectly to products or services that are expressly prohibited herein.

In order to properly use the information provided by users to the Company and to avoid possible infringements related to their content, we control and further process this information. The Company undertakes to process this information in accordance with these terms of use.

Access to and use of the Services of the Website must be in accordance with these Terms of Use. It is not allowed to use any method of monitoring the Website or copying part or all of its operating mechanism or its content without the prior written permission of the Company. In particular, the use of any program or other method of intervention in the operation mechanism of the Website or in any entry contained therein is prohibited. It is also prohibited any action that burdens or abuses the search engine of the Website and its technological infrastructure. It is forbidden to copy, modify, paraphrase or republish the contents of the website without the prior written permission of the Company

The Company reserves the right to temporarily or permanently prohibit the use of its services to any user of the Website who, in the absolute discretion of the Company, does not comply with these Terms of Use or applicable law.

The Company may exercise this right in cases of use of abusive or offensive expressions of the user to employees of the Company, provision of incorrect registration information or unauthorized use of means of payment. If the use of the Services of the Website is suspended or prohibited to a member, it is not allowed to re-register or use the services of the Website without the prior written consent of the Company.

4. Website operation

The information that the Website retransmits to its users about the products displayed on it by thematic category, has a purely informative character and purpose, and is constantly updated and modified. The Company is in no way responsible for compensation or even compensation for any direct or indirect loss and positive or negative loss, even future which may have been caused due to this information.

The Website may provide direct access to other websites and / or email addresses, the content of which it may not interfere with and therefore, of course, bears absolutely no responsibility, nor provides any guarantee at all for their content. Furthermore, the Website is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the above information as this is information found on other websites and which is collected either by the manufacturers of these products or as information transmitted by the online stores that provide them. for sale.

The Company recommends to the users of the Website, to consult the respective page of the manufacturers in order to verify the accuracy of the received information of the result and to be informed in more detail regarding the characteristics of the product of their choice.

The appearance of search results (product – price) depends on the correct use of keywords as well as the description of the product by the online stores and the Website. In searches performed with search filters and not with keywords, users should compare the features of the products displayed with those listed in the online stores and product manufacturer pages.

It is pointed out that many products available either from foreign stores or from domestic stores that sell products from abroad, are very likely to differ in characteristics from those intended for the Greek market and in some cases may not be accompanied by instructions for use. in Greek as well as from Greek software.

5. Product evaluations

The Company can enable users to rate products displayed on the Website, using text, ratings and / or photography. In order to be able to rate a product, users must be registered on the Website.

By submitting text and / or photo to the Website, the member grants to the Company a non-exclusive, permanent and royalty-free license, in order to reproduce, modify and publish the text and / or photo that you may have submitted to the Website. At the same time, by submitting text and / or photo, the member agrees to technical processing and formatting (eg cropping or use of “blur” techniques) of the photo in question and to any other modification of your text before publishing them, by the administrators of the Website, in case the photo and / or the text of the evaluation violate the rules of posting content mentioned below. In the event that such processing, formatting or modification takes place, every effort will be made to preserve the substance of the assessment as far as possible.

The text of the evaluations for each product can briefly mention the member’s experience with the specific product and any remarks or evaluation judgments about the product. The content of the evaluation and / or the photos that may accompany it must be the intellectual property of the member and in no case infringe the personal data of third parties, as well as copyright or any other rights of third parties. The Company reserves the right to withdraw and delete content / photos that are proven to belong to third parties and which have been published in any electronic or printed medium. Members are solely responsible for the content and photos they submit for posting on the Website.

The text of the product reviews may not include:

  • Publish a link that directly or indirectly directs users to an online store
  • Disclosure of information relating to the promotion or commercial advertising of any third party, other than the lawful relevant promotions organized and supervised by the Website Administrators and the Company
  • Reference to another user or product review by another member
  • Indecent or ironic expressions and descriptions
  • Deception in the store
  • Non-Greek characters
  • Capital letters
  • Any text unrelated to the evaluation or product

The photos that may accompany the product reviews may not depict:

  • Identifiable persons or other information that may be considered as personal data of the user or other persons
  • Pornographic material
  • Act of violence
  • Incitement or facilitation of the commission of criminal acts
  • Insult of public vulva (eg naked, indecent gestures)
  • Different product from the one under evaluation
  • Indirect advertising of other products shown in the photo
  • Cases where political, religious, etc. are revealed. opinions or other personal data

6. Final Provisions

The copyright of the Website belongs to the Company. No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, without prior written permission.

In no event will the Company, its legal representatives or its employees be liable for any damage, positive or negative, that its members may suffer as a result of the use of its services, due directly or indirectly to actions or omissions of third parties. .

In the event that any dispute arises between the members of the Website, regarding the use of the services in violation of the terms hereof, it is agreed that the Company, its staff and associates bear no responsibility and that the injured user bears only the burden as required against the third party the restoration of any possible damage.

The services provided through the Website, including the simple search or creation of a member account, are not intended for individuals under 15 years of age. If you are under the age of 15, you should not use the Website or provide us with any personal data without the necessary authorization of a parent or guardian. The Company does not collect or further process knowingly data for individuals under 15 years of age. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that your child has provided personal data to the Company, please contact us at ……………………… …

In any case, for any dispute that arises between the Company and the visitors or members of the Website, the Courts of Alexandroupolis are competent and the Greek Law is applicable.